Fence Farming v2.0

This is the end result of converting unused fences around the neighbourhood into a simple farm. Passion fruit has been one of the most successful of all, with little to not much care once planted around the fence. This luscious growth from a few passion fruit plant scattered along a 3 meter stretch started creeping up the fence and fruit within 4 to 5 months time. The fruit it ready harvest now, last count, around 50 to 60 fruits so far.

Passion fruit [Passiflora edulis]

Passion fruit, definitely not my favourite sort of fruit, usually sour and mainly used for desserts and garnishing. My only interest for growing this plant is mainly for the unique and beautiful flower. This climbing vine plant is perfect for creating natural sun shading vertically or horizontally. This is one hardy plant, very easy to care and grow fast.

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This little plant crept all over my fence and find its way up to anything that is near to it. Lush and beautifully green all the time, constantly flowering and fruiting non stop.

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The flower usually bloom around noon when its sunny and hot, it simply attracts lots of bees and insects to pollinate them.

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My very first passion fruit harvest, cant wait to try them.

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