Big Red Strawberry Farm Cameron Highland

Cameron highland, one of Malaysia’s biggest highland vegetable farm which is highly controversial due to the method and land used for massive commercial farming while some claims they are organic, some claims they are pesticide free and much more. Just showing you some of the farms here and not debating on their code of conduct which you can read more online. This highland takes 4 hours drive from the capital city, KL and this little place has massive farmland which supplies nearby cities and towns their daily fresh produce.

Big red strawberry farm is partially a tourist spot and they do farm strawberries for sale and some vegetables too.  All farmed in tiny pots and in hydroponic system with direct feeding tubes system. The strawberries smells great but its sour, probably only good to be cooked with syrup or made into desserts.


BAR Formula Compost Farm Visit

A group of us had the opportunity to visit BAR Formula compost factory and farm over the weekend, also being treated with a great farm to table meal. The entire farm is created to test and show how compost can be used to replace commercial fertiliser. These chinese mustard green (sawi) are grown with compost and these huge bags are the commercial shipping bags for delivery to other farms.

Further up a huge area with dried and dead corn plants which is unsightly  and one would assume its a plot of failed produce. However, its not and these are their natural way of cultivating healthy bacteria from the ground.


Next, we are shown the nursery in which they germinate the seedlings and grow them in nets to avoid the harmful bugs since they don’t use pesticides.

Other area are harvested dwarf bitter gourd grown together with chilli another method used here by attracting bugs which feed on each other which helps to reduce crop damages. Ageing adult plants are used as sun shading while young seedling are started at the bottom to creep over the older plants.

There are also compost made of paddy field waste.


Lakes are made to collect rainwater to water the plants.

There were many more trees around the compound such as lime, lemon, soursop, papaya and others. They fertilise all of them with their company compost produce and they amazing and healthy results is clearly seen.

So much more to show and tell, its good to know more companies and farmers are moving towards compost grown produce and its much more transparent nowadays how our food are being produced. I will be updating more on this amazing farm in time to come and they are expanding their range of produce soon.