
Vallisneria is a very good looking plant for aquascaping and common fishkeeping background design. This plant need plenty of light to thrive and given a good condition, it grows pretty fast by having runners. Not suitable for tanks with cichlids or bigger fish becasue they love to shred the leaves and all of it will be stuck in your pump.

This is an outdoor cultivation tank for vallisneria and with the help of fertime soil, vallisneria grows quickly and most will flower.

Cabomba [Cabomba caroliniana]

Cabomba a common aquatic plant found in most aquatic dealers and one of the easiest to grow and care plant. Survive well in well lit condition and grow quickly in hot sun but it tend to outgrown other plants and suffocate them. Fertilised tank can cause cabomba to be totally covered by algae which eventually kills it thus you do not need to add any fertiliser to grow it.


Cabomba is so competitive they will eventually grow out of the water and changes its shapes and design. The leaves become broad and it will bloom tiny flowers at the tip.

cabomba 005This is a very healthy cabomba cultivation with the help of natural sunlight and soil from the garden. Many supplier will ask you to buy expensive special soils for aquatic plants but the truth is those soil are used for aquascaping not for cultivation. When cabomba reaches maturity or out of space, they will start to grow out of the water. No fertiliser needed and rain water provide everything.

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Cabomba looks great in an aquarium but it will outgrow the aquarium faster than you think. Requires trimming from time to time to reduce competition of space between flora and fauna.