Sweet Basil [ ocimum basilicum ]

Sweet Basil is a very easy to grow plant and i was told to start from the seed. However, there is a short cut method to grow lots of sweet basil. You can cut any part from an existing plant and just stick it in the ground, it will grow. Sweet basil is only good for its leaves and the rest are usually trashed. You can pick them for free from any local market and then just stick them a few inches from each other and most will grow, not all.

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Great plant, harvest  as it grows and the more you trim it, the more it branches out.

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Within 2 weeks, the basil plant will grow and little flower buds can been seen at the tip. If you wish to harvest the best quality basil, do it before the flower bloom. Once the flower bloom, the leaves has a different taste and tend to rot faster.

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